Christian Overcomers

Study the Word, Overcome the world

AOC Says Electoral College is Racist | Prophecy

People like AOC show their ignorance about the foundation of American representative government when they attack the electoral college. The electoral college keeps the small number of heavily populated states from deciding each election, and that's what they hate about it.
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Rebekah Saves Isaac from Sinning | Genesis 27

Most Bible commentaries will title this chapter “Jacob the Deceiver” or something along those lines in an attempt to throw shade upon Jacob and Rebekah for coming up with such a devious plot to deceive Isaac and steal the blessing from Esau. The problem such a title is that God already pronounced that the birthright and blessings were Jacob’s even though he was the younger of the two twins and Esau was the firstborn.
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'In God We Trust' is making a Comeback! | Prophecy

Several weeks ago it was South Dakota, now Louisiana passed a law requiring all public schools to display America's motto "In God We Trust". This is a great trend!
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Chosen and Initiated by Adversity | Genesis 26

In this chapter we are going to see God bring Isaac through some trials to toughen him up, strengthen his faith, and help him not become a weak effeminate man. You could think of this chapter as Isaac’s initiation period, or basic training, as he becomes the new birthright holder and inheritor of the promises given to Abraham.
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Christians Against Christian Nationalism? | Prophecy

A group of leftists pretending to be Christian leaders have put out a statement trying to warn Christians about the so-called threat of Christian nationalism. This video exposes their lies with the Word of God.
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Pete Buttigieg Quotes Scripture, Again | Prophecy

According to the Christian Post, unrepentant Homosexual Pete Buttigieg quoted from the Book of Proverbs during Tuesday’s Democratic Primary debates in an attempt to shame Christian Conservatives who oppose a $15 minimum wage. Here is how he twisted the meaning of the scriptures...
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Fighting for America's Birthright | Genesis 25

In this chapter we are going to see Abraham’s birthright blessings get passed down to his son Isaac and then sold away to Jacob from Esau. I want you to understand something as we read through these verses. As Americans, we too have inherited a tremendous birthright from our forefathers. The same birthright that was passed onto Isaac thousands of years ago and wrestled away from Esau by Jacob.
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Black Woman Speaks Truth About Trump's Baltimore Tweets | Prophecy

Just for telling the truth about poor leadership, now the left once again calls Donald Trump a "racist". Racist, racist, racist! The fact is we finally have someone in the Oval Office with the courage to tell the truth, and he is holding these hypocrites and liars accountable. These same people whose districts they represent have become rat infested hell holes, yet they have the audacity to sit in judgment of the Trump administration?

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Getting Saved vs. Overcoming | Part 2

In part 1 we began reading through the 7 sermons Jesus gave to the 7 churches, and we found out that Jesus evaluated each church by its works, not by faith alone and grace alone. Faith alone and grace alone is step #1 to get saved. After that, God expects us to work, to produce good fruits for the kingdom. Those that do will receive many rewards, and those who don’t risk losing everything, even eternal life.
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