Christian Overcomers

Study the Word, Overcome the world

Productivity & The Biblical Workweek

You’d be surprised at how many things we can learn from the first chapter of Genesis. When people think of Genesis Ch.1 they usually just think of Sunday School pictures artistically illustrating each day of creation, but rarely ever do people go to Genesis 1 in an attempt to better organize their life - To be more productive!
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2020 Socialism vs. Capitalism | Prophecy

As Bernie Sanders appears to be gaining momentum in the Democrat party primaries, it's possible that America will be faced with a clear choice at the end of this year. Will we choose Capitalism or Socialism? And what does the Bible say about these two opposing economic systems? Watch and find out...
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Joseph: Savior of The World | Genesis 41

In Chapter 40 Joseph interpreted the dreams of two prominent Egyptian officials, one dream had a positive meaning, the other a very bad meaning. One official was restored to his position and the other was put to death. In this chapter, Joseph is going to interpret another dream, not just one another prominent official, but a dream of Pharaoh himself. In the end, Joseph will be exalted to be ruler of Egypt and savior of the world - a prophetic type of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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Repetition is the Key to Growth / Development

As a youth hockey coach I watch players skills grow tremendously each year because of the amount of repetitions they do in practice throughout the season. My job as a coach is to ensure the players get those repetitions, the maximum amount possible per hour of practice. When they get that, they get better! Pretty simple. As long as they are doing the reps correctly. But we often don't see this kind of diligence in our churches today, like we see in youth sports. That's why we have such a small number of people contending for the faith (Rev. 12:17). Most professed Christians these days are simply too unskilled to compete because their coach/pastor has not done his job in providing the instruction.

Sure, many attend church every Sunday, but are they being trained to handle the Word of God or do they just passively sit there listening to some sort of feel good sermon? How many churches do you know that actually teach the Bible chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse? Not many. Listening to one of those feel good sermons is equivalent to showing up to hockey practice, sitting on the ice, and never doing any of the drills. What good would that do? (See Psalms 1:2-3
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